Mariñe Arbeo Astigarraga

Zumarraga, 1992

Mariñe gaztetatik aritu da diseinu eta ilustrazio lanetan. Arte Ederretako sorkuntza eta diseinuan graduatua da (EHU), eta argitalpenen diseinuan eta ekoizpenean goi teknikaria. Txakur Gorria sormen kolektiboan garatu du bere jarduna, eta hamar liburu argitaratu ditu taldean, beste hainbat lan grafikoz gain. Totototo liburu ilustratuaren egilea da Ane Labaka Mayozekin batera (Elkar, 2021).

Mariñe has worked in design and illustration since she was young. She has a degree in Fine Arts (EHU) and is a senior technician in design and production of publications. She has developed her career in the collective Txakur Gorria, with whom she has published ten books, as well as several graphic works. She is the author of the illustrated book Totototo together with Ane Labaka Mayoz (Elkar, 2021).


© 2024 Mariñe Arbeo Astigarraga